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Body Saw Plank The Suspended Body Saw Plank is an unstable moving plank progression in which the feet are placed in the D-shaped foot cradle of the Jungle Gym XT with the heels facing the handles and the forearms are in contact […]

abdominal fallout

[vc_row padding_top=”40″ font_type=”light” background_color=”#1c1c1c” background_image=”0″][vc_column][vc_column_text] the Abdominal Fallout The suspended Abdominal Falloutis an anti-extension exercise that can be performed in a standing or kneeling position. The ab fallout is very similar to the ab rollout. Both forms can range from moderate to […]

how to perform a suspended front plank upper body unstable

suspended Abdomination Build an unbreakable core. Here are a series of stability exercises that’ll keep you out of a state of suspended progress.

how to perform a suspended push-up

[vc_row padding_top=”40″ padding_bottom=”2″ font_type=”light” background_color=”#000000″ background_image=”0″][vc_column][vc_column_text] The Suspended Push-Up is an unstable push-up progression in which the hands are placed on the handles of the Jungle Gym XT suspension trainer and the feet maintain contact with the floor. The difficulty and […]

how to perform a foot elevated decline push-up

Push Ups are a great bodyweight exercise for increasing strength in the upper body but cranking out regular push ups to nasum will leave you in a petrified state of boredom, draining your gains away until death finally sets you free. You don’t want […]

how to perform a foot elevated decline push-up

[vc_row padding_top=”30″ font_type=”light” background_color=”#1c1c1c” background_image=”0″][vc_column][vc_column_text] the Decline Push-Up The Decline Push-Upis a great bodyweight exercise for targeting the upper chest and shoulders. This lower body elevated push-up progression strengthens the chest, shoulders and triceps to a larger degree by manipulating the angle […]

how to perform a Spiderman push-up

[vc_row padding_top=”40″ font_type=”light” background_color=”#1c1c1c” background_image=”0″][vc_column][vc_column_text] the Spiderman Push-Up The Spiderman Push-Up is a moving push-up progression that is destabilized by the shift of center of gravity along with anti-extension and anti-rotation in the torso. This push-up modification is deceptively more of […]

how to perform a Spiderman push-up

[vc_row padding_bottom=”1″ font_type=”light” background_color=”#1c1c1c” background_image=”0″][vc_column][wolf_fittext max_font_size=”46″ text=”jungle gym XT suspension trainer” color=”#ff6f3a” font_weight=”700″ letter_spacing=”10″ font_family=” Impact”][wolf_fittext max_font_size=”23″ text=”exercise demonstrations” font_weight=”700″ letter_spacing=”15″ font_family=”Michroma”][vc_column_text]Strength (Upper Body)[/vc_column_text][wolf_last_posts_columns category=”jungle-gym-xt-suspension-trainer”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row padding_top=”5″ background_color=”#1c1c1c” background_image=”0″][vc_column][vc_column_text]Strength (Lower Body)[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row font_type=”light” background_color=”#1c1c1c” background_image=”0″][vc_column][wolf_last_posts_columns][/vc_column][/vc_row]


Matthew Garabedian


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