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Category: Featured Move

Featured Move is an Exercise Index

for the Alternative Fitness Enthusiast.

The main purpose to inform, educate and demonstrate exercises.

6 Advanced Push Up Alternatives how to perform a foot elevated decline push-up

6 Advanced Push Up Alternatives

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Spread the lovePush Ups are a great bodyweight exercise for increasing strength in the upper body but cranking out regular push ups to nasum will leave you  in a petrified state of boredom, draining your gains away until death finally sets you free. You don’t want that written in your obituary so here are 6 advanced push up alternatives to keep you from flatlining your […]

How to Perform a Push-Up for Beginners Elevated Push-Up

How to Perform a Push-Up for Beginners

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Spread the love The Push-Upis a great exercise for increasing strength in the upper body. The shoulders, chest and triceps are the major movers in this bodyweight powerhouse. There are many ways to intensify the push-up, leaving a long trail of alternatives that will satisfy even the more advanced athlete. However, not everyone is faced with […]

Improve your Core Strength and Stability | The Suspended Front Plank suspended front plank

Improve your Core Strength and Stability | The Suspended Front Plank

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Spread the loveSuspended Front Plank The Suspended Front Plank is an unstable static plank progression.  This exercise starts with the foot placement in the D-shaped foot cradle of the Jungle Gym XT suspension trainer with the heels facing the handles and the forearms are in contact with the floor. Position yourself so the handles are directly below the […]

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