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Category: Featured Move

Featured Move is an Exercise Index

for the Alternative Fitness Enthusiast.

The main purpose to inform, educate and demonstrate exercises.

How to Perform a Split Stance Bent Over Row how to perform a spit stance bent over row

How to Perform a Split Stance Bent Over Row

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Spread the love bench supported Bent over Row dumbbell The bench supported row is a good pulling exercise for beginners because there is less strain on your erector spinae as well as your low back muscles. There are a few ways to do a supported row but for this demonstration we are showing a single arm […]

How to Perform a Reverse Split Stance Bent Over Row reverse split stance bent over row

How to Perform a Reverse Split Stance Bent Over Row

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Spread the love reverse split stance Bent over Row dumbbell The reverse split stance bent over row is very similar to the split stance row. The exception to this variant is feet positioning. The stance set up for this exercise will be the same for the split stance row except that your opposite leg will be […]

How to Perform a Reverse Grip Bent Over Row reverse grip bent over row

How to Perform a Reverse Grip Bent Over Row

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Spread the love reverse grip Bent Over Row The reverse grip bent-over row is an underhand barbell row that builds upper back strength but also puts a greater emphasis on the biceps. This exercise allows for a better range of motion in the shoulders, less strain on the trapezius muscles, and the neck and a better […]

Why You Should Renegade Row | Hybrid Movement renegade row

Why You Should Renegade Row | Hybrid Movement

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Spread the love Renegade Row The Renegade Row is unique to the series of bent-over rows. This back exercise is just as much of an anti-rotation exercise and will require much more trunk stability prior to attempting this progression. The Renegade row is performed in a push-up position which engages the entire body and will develop greater stabilization […]

How to Perform a Suspended Row suspended row

How to Perform a Suspended Row

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Spread the love the Suspended Row The suspension row is a bodyweight rowing exercise that can be performed at any fitness level. This is a single joint exercise but still has emphasis on the lat muscles. how to perform a Suspended Row For the setup of this exercise begin by holding onto the handles with a […]

How to Perform a Single-Arm Suspended Row single-arm-suspended row

How to Perform a Single-Arm Suspended Row

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Spread the love single-arm Suspended Row The set up for this exercise will be the same as the suspended row but now we are increasing the intensity by only using one arm. For this exercise cross your non-working arm behind your back or across your chest. This will help to keep the shoulders square. This […]

Build Unbreakable Core Strength: The Body Saw Plank

Build Unbreakable Core Strength: The Body Saw Plank

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Spread the love Body Saw Plank The Suspended Body Saw Plank is an unstable moving plank progression in which the feet are placed in the D-shaped foot cradle of the Jungle Gym XT with the heels facing the handles and the forearms are in contact with the floor. Position yourself so that the handles are directly below […]

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