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Category: 5 core exercises for beginners

How to Perform a Plank To Push-Up How to perform a Plank to Push-Up

How to Perform a Plank To Push-Up

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Spread the love[vc_row padding_top=”30″ font_type=”light” background_color=”#1c1c1c” background_image=”0″][vc_column][vc_column_text] Plank to Push-Up anti-extension/anti-rotation The Plank to Push-Up is a dynamic plank progression for increasing strength and stability in the torso.  This progression exercise is destabilized by the addition of anti-rotation with anti-extension.  By pushing the entire body away from the ground from one side at a time, […]

Plank Reach | The Core Exercise You Should Be Doing Plank reach for beginners

Plank Reach | The Core Exercise You Should Be Doing

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Spread the love[vc_row padding_top=”20″ padding_bottom=”8″ background_color=”#ffffff” background_image=”0″][vc_column width=”1/2″][wolf_images_slider transition=”slide” slideshow_speed=”6000″ ids=”7562,7563″][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text] Plank Reach   anti-extension/anti-rotation The Plank Reach is a dynamic plank progression that is destabilized by the addition of anti-rotation with anti-extension. Anti-rotation is the resistance of rotational forces while maintaining stability in the torso. In the plank reach, this is achieved by […]

How to Perform a Side Plank how to perform a side plank

How to Perform a Side Plank

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Spread the love[vc_row font_type=”light” background_color=”#1c1c1c” background_image=”0″][vc_column][vc_column_text] Side Plank (forearm) anti-extension/ anti-lateral flexion The Side Plank is a uni-lateral, isometric exercise that is both anti-extension and anti-lateral flexion. There is greater demand for the transverse abdominals, abductors and adductors of the hip, and the internal and external obliques to maintain stability when performing the side plank. […]

How to Perform a Reverse Plank Reverse Plank

How to Perform a Reverse Plank

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Spread the love[vc_row padding_top=”30″ font_type=”light” background_color=”#1c1c1c” background_image=”0″][vc_column][vc_column_text] Reverse Plank (straight-arm)  anti-extension The Reverse Plank is an isometric, anti-extension exercise.  This is a great alternative to the Front Plank.  The benefit of this variation is that there is a greater emphasis placed on the posterior muscles. The lower back, glutes, hamstrings, and triceps play a more […]

How to Perform a Front Plank How to Perform a Front Plank

How to Perform a Front Plank

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Spread the love[vc_row padding_top=”20″ font_type=”light” background_color=”#1c1c1c” background_image=”0″][vc_column][vc_column_text]   Front Plank (forearm)   anti-extension The Front Plank is an isometric, anti-extension exercise.  The basic principle of the latter is to actively resist extension in the lumbar spine. Thus, promoting strength and providing stability in the torso, as well as improving overall athletic performance.  Isometric exercises involve a static […]

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