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The Suspended Reverse Crunch is an abdominal flexion progression in which the feet are placed in the D-shaped foot cradle of the Jungle Gym XT Suspension Trainer with your heals facing the handles and your forearms in contact with the floor.
This is a suspended bodyweight variant to the floor reverse crunch. This crunch progression is performed in a plank/push-up ready position, unlike a traditional floor reverse crunch, which is in a supine position on a stable floor. Adjust yourself so that the suspension handles are directly below the anchor of the attachment.
how to perform a Suspended Reverse Crunch (forearm)
Initiate the exercise by positioning your elbows directly under your shoulders. Extend your knees away from the ground, maintaining a neutral spine by forming a straight line from ear to ankle. Draw your knees into your chest, raising your hips slightly higher than your shoulders. Return to the starting position. Repeat. If you cannot maintain hip stability or neutral alignment, end the exercise.
The Suspended Reverse Crunch is an abdominal flexion progression in which the feet are placed in the D-shaped foot cradle of the Jungle Gym XT Suspension Trainer with your heals facing the handles and your hands in contact with the floor.
Position yourself so that the handles are directly below the anchor of the attachment.
how to perform a Suspended Reverse Crunch (straight-arm)
Initiate the exercise by positioning your wrists directly under your elbows and shoulders. Extend your knees away from the ground, maintaining a straight line from ear to ankle. Draw your knees into your chest, raising your hips slightly higher than your shoulders. Return to the starting position. Repeat. If you cannot maintain hip stability or neutral alignment, end the exercise.
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