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reverse grip bent over row

How to Perform a Reverse Grip Bent Over Row

reverse grip Bent Over Row

The reverse grip bent-over row is an underhand barbell row that builds upper back strength but also puts a greater emphasis on the biceps. This exercise allows for a better range of motion in the shoulders, less strain on the trapezius muscles, and the neck and a better contraction in the lower lats. This is a 2 point row because the only points of contact will be your feet on the floor. With that in mind, this exercise will put more stress on your erector spinae muscles but will also allow you to become more stable in the hip hinge position.

how to perform a reverse grip  Bent Over Row

To set up this exercise your feet will be parallel, hinge at your hips, and allow your chest to be at least 45 degrees from the floor. Your arms are extended; grab the bar with an underhand grip. Pull the bar to sternum height while allowing your arms and elbows to glide backwards. Make sure that your abs are contracted to help brace the tension on your low back muscles.

Lower the bar back to the starting position. A common mistake with barbell rows is bringing your chest to the bar instead of the bar to your chest. Do not use your momentum to pull the bar up. If you are unstable, rocking your hips, or bouncing your chest to complete the pull or if your toes are not grounded reduce the weight or end the exercise.


Matthew Garabedian

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