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Hybrid Movement

renegade row

Why You Should Renegade Row | Hybrid Movement

Renegade Row

The Renegade Row is unique to the series of bent-over rows. This back exercise is just as much of an anti-rotation exercise and will require much more trunk stability prior to attempting this progression. The Renegade row is performed in a push-up position which engages the entire body and will develop greater stabilization in the hips and shoulders in addition to strengthening the upper back.

how to perform a Renegade Row

To begin the exercise, curl your toes under, lock your knees, and push up to the top of the push-up position. Grip the dumbbells and form a straight line from ear to ankle. Begin by pulling one dumbbell to your rib cage, lower back down while actively resisting rotation in the hips.  Repeat on the other side. Make sure to keep your hips and shoulders square and pointing towards the ground. Engage your glutes and core for the duration of the exercise. This motion can be repeated for the entire set amount or can be alternated. If you cannot maintain stability end the exercise.


Matthew Garabedian

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