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Monster Walks: How To Activate Your Glute Medius


Monster Walks

Lateral Monster Walks are important for everyone to implement into their lower body day. This is hands down one of the most effective ways to target the underutilized gluteus medius. There are three muscles that make up the butt; gluteus maximus (glute max), gluteus medius (glute med), and gluteus minimus (glute min). The reason this muscular compound is important is that the entire lower body “powerhouse” muscles tie into them. I’m talking about the quadriceps and the hamstrings.  When performing traditional styles of weight lifting such as squats, the gluteus med is not typically worked. Instead, the muscles worked more is the gluteus maximus.

People who sit for eight-plus hours a day are more likely to have an underactive glute problem due to overactive hip flexors and quadriceps. Tight hip flexors and tight piriformis are both issues you want to avoid at all costs so being able to activate your glute meds is one way to combat this epidemic ( ya, I said it) that is hitting our nation hard.

how to perform Monster Walks

Shown in the video are progressions of the lateral monster walk, starting with the easiest way, the band around the thighs. This is the most beginner form of monster walks due to the band being the most proximal to the glute med. The further the way, the harder the monster walk becomes. It is known that most people have underactive glute meds, which, if left undealt with can cause low back issues, underperforming glutes, and hamstrings, as well as overactive quadriceps while trying to


Matthew Garabedian

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