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Hybrid Movement

Bear Crawl

Crawl Your Way to a Fitter Physique: Bear Crawl | Exercise Video Guide

Bear Crawl

Bear Crawl

The bear crawl is a total body movement that will challenge you from many pathways including, strength, coordination, stability, and mobility. This exercise is performed in the quadruped position (on your hands and knees). Make sure you are properly aligned at the starting position.  Your hips will be directly over your knees while your shoulders, elbows, and wrists are vertically stacked. From there, lift your hips and knees simultaneously, hovering only a few inches off the ground.

how to perform a Bear Crawl

To initiate the bear crawl your opposite arm and leg will lift, move then land in unison. It is important to keep your hips level while maintaining a neutral spine. To help with this we use a tennis ball for self correcting posture cues and to develop fluid movement patterns. This type of accountability prop also helps with increasing focus throughout the exercise. Your crawl should be slow, controlled and deliberate.  



Matthew Garabedian

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